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8 Things to Say at Job Interviews When Leaving a Toxic Company

Navigating a job interview when leaving a toxic work environment can indeed be tricky. You want to be honest without sounding negative.

Below are helpful pointers on what to say during interviews that will help you maintain grace and professionalism while articulating your reasons.

01 Why are you leaving?

“There’s been a mismatch in expectations.”

Acknowledge the situation without placing blame, maintain a positive tone, and keep your explanation concise.

Leave it at that. Don’t take the bait!

When interviewers probe deeper into your current job, resist the urge to overshare or vent. Taking the bait could lead to a negative spiral that might harm your candidacy. Instead, maintain a level-headed approach and steer clear of emotional responses.

Don’t bad-mouth your current boss—it NEVER looks good.

Speaking negatively about a current or previous boss can signal instability or lack of professionalism. This not only reflects poorly on you but may also lead interviewers to question your ability to handle workplace challenges constructively. Instead of casting blame, focus on your career aspirations and needs.

02 Why are you leaving so soon?

Explain your reasons – stick to the facts.

When explaining your relatively short tenure, provide factual reasons unrelated to personal grievances. For example, if your priorities changed, if the role wasn’t what you thought it would be, or if unforeseen circumstances arose, explain these points concisely.

The fact they decided to interview you means it’s not a big deal.

Recognize that many employers have varying timelines for job changes. The mere fact that they invited you for an interview indicates that they are open-minded and not overly concerned about your short stint.

Pivot the conversation – “I saw the JD and it looks like it’s a good fit for me.”

Concentrate on the job you are applying for. Express your enthusiasm about this new opportunity and how it aligns better with your skills and career path.

03 Focus on growth

“I’m looking for opportunities to grow and develop my skills.”

Focus on a forward-thinking narrative by emphasizing your desire for growth. It’s important to demonstrate to potential employers that you value both personal and professional development, which they can provide.

Give specific examples of skills you’ve attained.

Highlight specific skills or competencies you developed in your previous role. This will demonstrate your personal growth and your ability to turn challenges into valuable learning experiences.”

Emphasize your desire for personal and professional development.

Emphasize your commitment to both personal and professional growth and express your eagerness to take on new challenges, learn from experiences, and expand your skill set.

04 Highlight your values

“I’m seeking a company that aligns with my values.”

Employers often look for candidates who align with their company culture. By sharing your values, you can highlight what’s important to you and help create a stronger connection with potential employers.

Share what values are important to you.

Be transparent about your values, whether they relate to teamwork, innovation, integrity, or work-life balance. This will resonate with hiring managers who prioritize these attributes in their organizational culture.

05 Discuss future goals

“I’m excited to find a role where I can contribute to the company’s success and advance my career.”

Show enthusiasm and share how you can contribute to the company’s success.

Shift the focus to your ambitions.

When discussing future goals, shift the conversation toward your ambitions and where you see yourself growing. Outline how the role aligns with your long-term objectives, showing that you’re not only focused on immediate success but also on contributing to the company’s future.

06 Share what you’ve learned

“I’ve learnt a lot about my strengths and resilience in my current role, and I’m ready for new challenges.”

Turning the conversation to your learnings arms you with a positive narrative, emphasizing personal growth despite facing a challenging environment.

Frame your experience in a positive light.

Use this moment to highlight your resilience and adaptability which are both key qualities that employers value.

07 Express enthusiasm

“I’m eager to be part of a team that values collaboration and innovation.”

Showcase your eagerness for a fresh start in a healthier work environment. Enthusiasm about teamwork and innovation highlights your commitment to contributing positively.

Highlight your excitement for a new and healthy work environment.

Emphasize your readiness to engage in a collaborative culture that prioritizes support and mutual growth.

08 Professional development

“I’m looking for a company that invests in the development and success of its employees.”

Demonstrating a desire for a company that prioritizes professional development shows that you are serious about contributing positively and growing within the organization.

Demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and contribution.

Convey your understanding that mutual growth benefits both the employee and employer. Make it clear that you are looking for a long-term engagement that benefits everyone involved.

Interviewing when leaving a toxic job may feel daunting, but by articulating your experiences and aspirations professionally, you can transform this challenge into an opportunity that highlights your resilience and adaptability. Applying these principles could just land you in that fulfilling role or workplace you are searching for.


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